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Story of Shree Hanumant and Shanidev

During last few discourses by P. P. Aniruddha Bapu has stressed on the extreme need to perform worship (upasana) of Shri Shanidev correctly. While elaborating this important topic Bapu stressed on one very important point that 'One avoid abandoning the right Godly forms but at the same time not accept the wrong Godly forms'.

While describing Shri Shanidev Bapu termed him as 'Judge of Gods'. Bapu said that this godly element though is pure but is extremely radical in nature. Shri Shanidev is the Chaya Putra (छाया पुत्र ) of Sun God. He teaches us sacrifice (tyag).

Generally people associate the period in their life called Sade Saati (साडे साती) generally regarded as trouble period as described wrongly by few in astrological terms which is dependent on Shanidev. But it is actually a  rest period given to us. We should derive inspiration from Shanidev to make maximum sacrifice which should be physically, mentally and financially. To avoid problems which might be faced during the period of Sade Saati (साडे साती) can be avoided by the worship of Lord Hanumant. During this period one should try to donate as much as possible but we should make sure that the appropriation of this donation is done in a very correct manner and is given to worthy recipient.

Bapu as made all recollect the fact that Lord Hanumant had once defeated Shani and had kept him captive below His feet. Hence we should worship Lord Hanumant during the period of  Sade Saati (साडे साती) or even if we fear wrath of Shanidev. Bapu gave an example to this saying that even if one holds Shri Sundarkand in his hand Shanidev and his wrath would stay light-years  away from him.

As this godly element (Shanidev) is radical in nature the place where his temple is erected (Shani Shingnapur, Maharashtra, India) doesn't have roof and women are not permitted to enter the main area which hosts emblem of Shanidev. Hence if we are to keep this emblem, idol or photo of Shanidev we need to take some care. For this specific purpose P. P. Bapu and Sadguru Aniruddha Upasana Foundation have made special arrangement to explain the care and upasana to be performed. The upasana is detailed in the document attached above.

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Mihir Nagarkar
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